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Non-Russian origin of the iron and steel products Declarations

Jan 18,2024




Non-Russian origin of the iron and steel products Declarations


From 30 September 2023, EU tightened trade restrictions with Russia on steel and iron products, It is prohibited to transport into the EU iron and steel products which produced in a third country incorporating iron and steel inputs originating in Russia.


本公司特此聲明保證所有出貨的產品皆符合歐盟法規第833/2014號(歐盟俄羅斯禁運)第3g條,禁止直接或間接進口或購買Annex XVII中所列鋼鐵產品,以及產品在第三國加工而其中含有原產於俄羅斯的鋼鐵(如Annex XVII所列)。
We declare that the products supplied compliant to the prohibitions of Articls 3g of EU Directives 833/2014 (Russia-Embargo of the EU). It prohibits to import or purchase directly or indirectly, iron and steel products as listed in Annex XVII when processed in a third country incorporating iron and steel products originating in Russia as listed in Annex XVII.

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Nov 27,2024

2024 news release list

Publish Date:Nov. 27,2024

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