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IPC Qualified Manufacturers Listing (QML) Authentication

Feb 06,2018

Powertip have passed IPC QML authentication

A professional manufacturer of middle-small size LCD module --- POWERTIP TECH. CORP., with the on-site audit and assistance of IPC authentication experts, and based on "IPCJ-STD-001 《Requirements for electrical and electronic components of welding》and IPC-A-610《Acceptability of electronic components》, we one-off passed the acceptance requirements for processes and products, and successfully got the QML authentication of level one and two standards, and be listed in IPC trusted resource library.

According to the two most widely used standards of electronic component in the industry, the product technology and quality of Powertip can meet the requirements for level one and two exactly, it means a high reliability and consistency of our electronic components.

The level one and two authentication of IPC J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610 QML, is not only a recognition of our professional strength, but also a commitment of our active performance, to provide products and services of high quality for customers.

IPC QML/QPL authentication is based on IPC standards, do audit and authentication for the product quality and processes, and confirm whether they conform to the standards.  

Since Powertip got the IPC authentication, it has a significant advantage in the fierce market competition. Other authentications require company to self-evaluate and submit written reports; but IPC authentication need a third-party to audit on site and evaluate whether the products and processes conform to the IPC standards. Therefore, being a member of the IPC QML suppliers, is an adherence of Powetip to the product quality and technology. 

久正光電通過IPC QML 認證

中小尺寸液晶顯示器模組專業製造商---久正光電股份有限公司,在IPC認證專家組的現場審核指導和協助下,一次性通過IPC J-STD-001《焊接的電氣與電子元件要求》與IPC-A-610《電子元件的可接受性》對工藝制程和產品的驗收要求,順利獲得IPC一級及二級標準的QML認證,而榮列IPC可信資源庫。


這次獲頒IPC J-STD-001和IPC-A-610 QML一級及二級認證,既是對我們專業實力的認可, 展現了我們積極履行為客戶提供優質產品與服務的承諾。”

IPC QML/QPL認證是一項依據IPC標準要求,對電子行業供應鏈上的企業,進行產品品質和生產工藝的IPC標準符合度的審核與認證。


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Sep 06,2017

Sep. 2017 news release

Publish Date:Sep. 06,2017

1.7” 800480 borderless capacitive touch panel LCD module.
2.7” 800480 Capacitive touch panel with Gorilla cover lens.
3.7” 1024600 RGB interface with/without capacitive touch panel LCD module.

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